Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

Photo Friday: Fast

Illustration Friday: Super Hero

The Neurological Avenger fights the affects of a head
injury he received in a motorcycle accident. In spite of neurological damage done to the right side of his body limiting his ability to walk, write, and balance, he has been able to regain some motor skills and transform his body and his life. A focused super hero whose only weapons are Determination and Commitment . Even when he didn't feel like it, he continued to push himself and never gave up.

!!!Wonder Lynda!!!
Battler of the evil villain, Breast Cancer. In spite of the menacing pain this enemy inflicts on her bones [because it has spread to her bones] along with the effects of the chemo drugs, she continues to work out regularly. When others get discouraged, she courageously pushes on with an inner strength that surpasses, I think, even her own understanding.

!!!Diabetic Man and Ellen!!!

To the rest of the world he's a 72 year old type 1 diabetic, insulin dependent all his life, missing half a lung, with a herniated disc in his lower back. But, when faced with the possibility of losing his legs, he turns into Diabetic Man, defender of his precious health. Barely able to walk when he first started, he can lift 180 pounds on the leg press now, and does 3 sets of 20 pushups. He's packed that old walker away in storage.

His faithful side kick for 53 years, Ellen helps him in his battles as well as fighting a few of her own like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. In spite of neck, wrist, and hand pain, as well as numb feet, she can do 3 sets of 20 reps on the T-bar back row lifting 45 pounds. She sais she wants to be able to lift her husband in case of an emergency.

These are my heroes. I have been blessed with the privilege of working with these amazing super heroes on a daily basis, and they inspire me.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Illustration Friday: 80s

To me the 80s seemed materialistic and self indulgent. It's
when "crack" and "x" [ecstacy] became popular. I did this
drawing after my brother's accident in '88. It's called
Death in a Glass and Pennies. It was to big to scan, so I lost
some of the detail in the pennies.

Photo Friday: Peaceful

Couldn't make up my mind...

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Illustration Friday: Phoenix

I'm learning how to use Photoshop today. This is my first

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Photo Friday: Best of 2006

As I was going through my photos to pick a Best of 2006, I
realized that 2005 was a better year for my photography
[I bet you can guess what my New Year's resolution is for
this year]. So, I picked this photo not because I thought it
was unusual or creative, but because it was my first time to
parasail, and when I look at it I remember how amazing it