Sunday, January 14, 2007

Photo Friday: Peaceful

Couldn't make up my mind...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Let me try the post again.

I couldn't make up my mind either. I like the still and steamy waterwith tthe solo fisherman/boat but I also like the look of the hill country -- especially with the relaxed demeanor of the sheep.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I love both of these two photos, very nice! Love the mists. And the framing of the sheep.

Are you familiar with You can get a photo a day (lovely) and have a free gallery and there is an active community of commenters etc, if you are interested. This is not an ad, I just am a member and enjoy it. And thought you might (or might not!)

Anonymous said...

Stupendously calming and nice! Love these.