Monday, February 19, 2007

Illustration Friday: Gravity

Gravity is breaking me,
Burdening the air I breathe.
Heavy hearted I heave
Ever since you betrayed me.
What did I ever do to you?
Was my friendship so small?
You used my weakness to pad your fall
Ripping my home in two.
Ok, so you had a weak moment.
This I understand,
But under the heaviness of your hand
My mistakes become torment.
I don't deserve this atrocity,
Yet you offer no apology.
written for Clay, Feb. 18, 2007
Now that I look at this post, I don't think the photo is that clear. If you look close, the tree that has fallen has split another tree in two, right down the middle. It was really interesting to see. The photo doesn't do it justice. Oh well, it reminded me of a difficult time that a friend of mine has gone through, so I wrote this poem for him.

1 comment:

  1. The image is a good match for your words...the fallen, tangled trees visualize the emotion in your poem.
