Monday, March 19, 2007

Photo Friday: Heat

couldn't decide again

escape from the heat

I wanted to do something with candles, but my camera still isn't fixed :[


  1. IS it hot whereever you are? It's not hot here! (Where I am!)

    Love the flames and I love Lizards, I've had a chamelean (no, it was an anole) and two Iguanas.

  2. Thanks Lupo Grigio! Yes, it has been unseasonably warm here this year. In the 80's. Spring came early.

  3. I love iguanas and lizards. I had some too. And loved seeing them on St. John and in Italy. No many lizards here though, too cold.

    I went to day and knocked on the door of a stranger who didn't answer, but in the window, I could a large cage with a large iguana.

    Cool shots.
