Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Illustration Friday: Geeky

I had perfect vision all my life until I started blogging. My friends keep telling me," that's what happens after 40." Does that mean that everyone over 40 is geeky? What's so geeky about glasses anyway? By the way, I'm not getting old! I'm blaming this on the blogging.

This collage is a product of experimenting with my scanner, which was entirely too much fun. Don't tell me I'm geeky for doing this. I got the idea from Karen over at Art In The Garage.


  1. Too geeky...little bit scary!...it's a great image!

  2. Very cool collage--I must be geeky too, I love stuff like this. Did you LOOK at the light?

  3. Thanks everyone! Mary, I think we might have a lot in common ;]. No, I didn't look directly at it. I'm looking at the rim of my glasses.
