Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mermaid Sings The Blues

"I'm stuck here in this muggy, mosquito infested, mud pit I call home.
I should be somewhere tropical. That's where I belong."

See what Steve did with his monsters here


  1. WOW! Very nice! I see that you incorporated some of your other art pieces, fun idea! Cool!

    When were we hiking at Indian Springs (where we found the mantis) we were mobbed by mosquitoes--there usually aren't that many out this late.

  2. Thanks Digital Scott and Mary. There are only a couple of months out of the year here in Houston when we don't have mosquitos. They spray the streets at night for them regularly, but I think that the mosquitos have mutated into some sort of toxic hybrid because of it, because they only seem to have gotten worse over the years.
