Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Illustration Friday: Open

When I was 9 or 10 years old, I took sculpting lessons from an artist by the name of Tracy Guthrie. A year or two later I remember my mom pointing out one of his pieces in a local mall. It was a life size sculpture of some kids playing on a swing. The chains of the swing went straight up to nothing. I remember thinking, "wouldn't it be cool to have a swing like that, that hangs from nothing."

As a teacher, he sparked my imagination. Anything I wanted to make, he would find a way to make it possible and then show me how to do it. For example, I wanted to make a bird flying. He said, "how will you display it?" I hadn't really thought about it. I just wanted to make it. So, I said with the little wheels in my head turning the way they do with children, "maybe tie some string to it and hang it from something." He thought of a better way using a piece of wood and a bic pen. He drilled a hole in the block and then showed me how to balance the bird on the bic pen. He never said, "pick something a little easier." I think that showed in his work. He inspires me to this day.


  1. What a really cool, creative and interesting piece. I've been working on something that seems very simple in comparison---a painting of a rose with dewdrops--a new version of one I already posted (but I started over from scratch.) I love this one! SO cool, and what a great idea, love the way you may a room in the forest. I have a poem with that name.

  2. I would love to read that poem. Have you posted it on one of your blogs? If so, where can I find it?

    I really liked the rose you recently posted. The colors were amazing. Looking forward to seeing the new one.

  3. lovely piece and a beautiful story as well. cheers!

  4. Oh, this is a really excellent piece! I think you've captured the essence of childhood here. Great job!

  5. Thanks Mia and Liz Jones! I REALLY enjoy both of yours as well.

  6. LOL! I read your cupid thing--it is much nicer than MINE!

    Would you like to join Silk Creek Portal? You're prolly too busy to post often, but you could just post your nature-related stuff when ever you have time. You can post the same stuff if you want because the audience is different.

    The problem is that I need your email to mail you an invite.

  7. I'd love to. I'll get you that address.
