Friday, October 19, 2007

Photo Friday: The City

"The City" as seen from the Jersey shore.

Escape from the city. Which one do you like better?

It was pointed out to me that this picture might look better if the sea lions weren't in the middle, so here it is cropped. I think I like it better. What do you think?


  1. I like escaping but they are both nice pix!

  2. I have a terrible confession to make--I did not vote--at all--in the IF Open, I was so busy this week and last. Today was Biker Buddy's birthday. I also haven't been to IF to see who won. But I'm sure I didn't. Thanks for voting for me.

    I have ADHD and besides being busy, I keep forgetting to do things and getting distracted.

    If you leave your email for me on an old post, no one will prolly see it and I will delete it right away. Or I can leave mine on one of yours. Then I will send you an invite to Silk Creek Portal nature blog.

  3. Oops, I just discovered that you already left it, and since it's on a blog with comment moderation, I never have to publish it at all.

    Sorry I missed that one, I'm WAY behind on my email and commenting etc. Heck, I'm behind on EVERYTHING!

  4. Don't worry, Mary, so am I.

    I'm kind of partial to "escaping", too, but I assumed that was because it was taken in Mexico. I wanted to see what everyone else thought.

  5. I like the photo with the seals or sea lions!!! Nice to see them.

  6. I like the top photo better because it's a nicer composition. I like the angle of the water against the straighter skyline. The bottom one is sweet too, but I'd like it better if the sea lions weren't in the middle so much. Both are very nice though:)

  7. Oh! That's a great idea, Studio Lolo! I bet I could crop it a little on the left, and it would look better. I couldn't figure out what it was that bothered me. I'm going to try that.

  8. Thanks Digital Scott! I think they're sea lions, but I'm not sure.
