Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Illustration Friday: Multiple


  1. Annoying spammers! They've been hitting every post of mine.

    This is a beautiful image! Very mesmerizing and serene.

  2. Thanks Studio Lolo! I deleted the spammer. Funny, it's the first time I've ever encountered spam in my comments.

  3. I feel as if I am in the depths of the ocean, wimming with giant sea creatures! s Very beautiful:>

  4. Such beautiful rays! I haven't been visiting your blog (or anybody's) for a while, trying to get my new website up and going, and am happily going through your posts seeing your beautiful, dreamy images! I DO love the image that was used for the album cover, though I'm not that fond of their musical style (I'm still a Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young obsessive!) but am so glad they chose your art. (I hope to keep in touch with you better, too!) Hey -- go to my new site:, and see if you like it! My portfolio gallery is about the same as in my old site, but the whole look is different, and I've added more of my digital collage work to it.

    Take care, and keep up the beautiful imagery!

  5. strange but i remember posting a comment here yesterday.. anyway.. i wanted to say how beautifully dreamy this is and for an insomniac like me id luv this to be one of the last images that id look at before i sleep.. it feels like it'll bring nice dreams..

  6. Thanks Carla! I love the ocean.

    Carol Rose, great website! Very professional. I like CSN and Y, too.

    Hi Velvet. I think blogger's been having some problems. I'm glad you came back.
