Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Pastels on matt board. I've been trying to make myself draw lately rather than playing with photoshop. I'm not very happy with what I do, though. This was inspired by some visualization work I'm doing in therapy. As soon as I figure out what it needs, I may work on it some more, or just start over. Any suggestions?

You can find this weeks post for Illustration Friday here on Silk Creek Portal.


  1. This is very interesting and cool. And inspiringly therapeutic.

    I am trying to do the same thing--draw that is, rather than use photoshop at least some of the time--and am taking a painting class--but I am clumsy and the results aren't very good. :-(

    Photoshop is rewarding in that I often get nice results.

    This is a nice drawing though, and it looks REAL!

  2. the fluid part of you is showing - perhaps there needs to be less rather than more - love the work you're doing.

  3. Thanks Mary! A painting class... oooh, I'm jealous. I've never thought of your art as clumsy, but I can relate to how you feel. I feel like I get better results in Photoshop, too.

    Thanks Obscurio! Fluid... really? I think I'll try less, as you suggest.
