Saturday, April 12, 2008

Photo Friday: Fragile


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Sweet! And fragile. I just remembered I forgot to post my link. Thanks for reminding me!

Yuko Nagai said...

whoever designed him had exquisite aesthetics ;^]

bluerose said...

Ooo, I need to check out your's, Mary.

I agree, Yuko. I wish I could have gotten closer, so you could see the designs in his wings. There were a dozen of them on this bush, but they wouldn't let me get close to them. I had to stand there for about 20 or 30 minutes, before they would come this close. They were a beautiful irridescent blue.

Andree said...

This photograph is so beautiful: the insect seems as if it almost isn't there (that is the best I can explain it). It is so delicate. It speaks of how it is there one moment and gone the next.

bluerose said...

...and he was! Thanks Andree!