Sunday, May 18, 2008

Free Software

Last Friday I downloaded Apophysis to make fractal flame designs, but couldn't figure out how to export the animations, so I went surfing for info or other programs to help me. I still haven't figured it out, but I found GIMP, which is a free photo editing program with some animation capabilities. Below is a link to my first project in GIMP. It was supposed to be for Illustration Friday's Electricity, but I didn't finish in time.

Does anybody know how to upload this kind of file to blogger? I've seen other bloggers who have done it, but I can't remember where.

Below are some flames made with Apophysis. I think the first one looks like an angry flying insect.

Same image, different colors. I love playing with color. I think this one looks like a butterfly with golden rings.

This last one started in Apophysis, then went to GIMP, and was finished in Photoshop.


  1. WOW! LOTS of good stuff here! Lovely images, including the one posted elsewhere.

    SO many opportunities, so little time, LOL!


    I love them ALL!!!!

    So delicate!

  2. It does look like an angry insect, LOL!

  3. Bzzzz! :]

    I'm currently working on trying to find free software that will convert .gif to .wmv, so I can upload the animated stuff.

  4. ooooooh! flames! fractals! poetry!

    yummm ....

    glad we met. ashok is a good connector.
