Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blog Award

Atomicvelvitsigh gave me this award, and I am very honored! I've been going through a tough time lately, and my mind has been far removed from blogging. Velvet's encouragement could not have come at a better time. Thank you so much! The bright cheerful colors are a welcome addition to my side bar. She said for me to pass this award on to the blogs I love, and she would definitely be one of the blogs I would like to pass it on to. There are other bloggers that have been very encouraging to me, and whose blogs I love. Three of them are Mary, who has several blogs of wonderful art, Michael, who loves to digitally alter photographs, and Ashok, whose blog isn't really an art blog, but has some wonderful commentaries on the arts. There are more. Some of the blogs no longer exist, but all of you and your blogs have been encouraging to me. Thank you!


  1. Thank you so much for this kind and thoughtful award, I really appreciate it! :-D


  2. mmm glad to see you're back! your last post was so fun to read..

    and glad to know that you like the award too.. thank you in turn for reciprocating.. and again for being such a sweet friend! 8D

  3. Thanks Velvet! I'm proud to be your friend!

    And Mary, you deserve it!
