Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gone But Not Forgotten

I took these photos back in February on my last trip to Galveston. I've been meaning to post them for sometime now, but have been very distracted lately.

This was taken at the east end of the island where the bird sanctuary used to be. Somebody named Chris spray painted the words "gone but not forgotten" on the steps. The clean up process after Hurricane Ike is going to take a while, but the birds are making do. There are more photos of birds on my other blog Silk Creek Portal.

This is where my favorite restaurant used to be. I'd park at the east end of the island, and walk about 2 or 3 miles, eat lunch, and then walk back.

I was so happy to see that there were still so many birds here.


  1. Those birds look chubby & happy from where I'm sitting.

    I guess you'll be taking a picnic from now on... mmm sandwiches.

    x paul.

  2. Thant middle picture blows me away--hope yr OK!

  3. I would have sworn I commented on these--but I don't see my earlier comments!

  4. The "former restaurant" piers and the effects in the sky are very dynamic and compelling... a cut above the rest. I myself remember a former pier in Upper Michigan at a place called Cross Village, not very far from the Straits of Mackinac, on upper Lake Michigan. You could see the rows of pilings and from them deduce a busy landing dock that must have been active 150 years ago. The waves carved and carved but even all that time was not quite enough to erase the past...

  5. Hi Lori, how are you? I hope things are going well--I've been traveling lately (off to Maine for a Memorial Service!)

    I do agree with Michael that that pier picture is VERY STRIKING!
