Saturday, August 7, 2010


eyes coated with a medicated blur
words refuse to focus
shoulders are lighter
but pages still haunt

don’t care about the pain
don’t care about the gift
lazy hands laugh
unmotivated feet dance
-in purposeless directions
-in silent numbness

but sleep reveals that
core chapters have not been numbed


  1. yup, looks like we're experiencing some of the same difficulties. i like the juxposition of "purposeless directions" with "silent numbness". the dreams remain, with "core chapters". how to transcribe them with a rattled brain and all the exhaustion? that is the question. love. xoxoxooxxo

  2. Thanks so much, Laura! Yes, "transcribing with a rattled brain", that's what it felt like trying to write this poem. Your comment is very encouraging. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hi Mary! Yes it was a grey fog. Now, for the last couple of weeks, it's been like a brain slosh hangover, because I've been weening off of them. Bleh, I'll be glad when the ground stops moving.
