Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let Words be Few

winter sun whitens
without uttering one word
seeded grasses’ tales


  1. a lovely lovely photo and a great haiku!!! Short and sweet!

  2. Thanks Mary! I took it at the arboretum last month. I went again today, so I might work on some more. I've been having fun with haiku, lately.

  3. and thanks to you I also have been having fun with Haiku - thanks agaon - and still a lovely write

  4. Hi Sue! Good to see you! How were the writing classes tonight?

  5. I love this post! Congrats on being a new aunt!!

    You whole blog is "transitions" (metamorphosing!)

    I'm just back from Cross country skiing.

  6. What a beautiful picture and a deeply quiet and sooting haiku-I'm in awe of your abilities!

  7. Thanks Mary! It's been pretty hectic around here lately [Family in town visiting]. I might try to catch the next weekword. I'm sorry I missed the word 'transitions'. It would have been a fun word, and your post was inspiring.

    Thanks Biomouse! I'm flattered! Thanks for stopping by. :D
