Saturday, April 2, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Hi! I had such a wonderfully friendly response last week with the Six Sentence Sunday gang, that I'm back again this week. This is from something I started to work on, and then never got around to finishing. I'm hoping to get back to it. Click on the link above to see what everyone else is writing.

There was a putrid, bitter taste of disgust that seeped out of a hidden crevice deep inside me. It was the kind of crevice that unwanted memories disappeared into. When B.W. sat back in the car, that taste erupted into rage.

"I want to go back and beat those guys with a tire iron!" I said tightening my jaw in an attempt to bridle the rage. "We could hide in the woods and wait for them..."


  1. oh so good - this isn't from same story as last week is it ?

  2. Very good excerpt...can feel the anger and tension seeping out- great 6 this week

  3. Pure and strong, festering rage ready to explode with a tire iron. Alot of anger here, well done!

  4. Ah, a character who likes to take a direct approach to problems. Great six.

  5. Interesting six! Here's to a great

  6. Nice description of the slow build of anger into an explosion.

  7. Wow, I'd hate to be those guys!

  8. very scary indeed! that crevice part brought bits of tolken to mind...

  9. Thanks everybody!I've had a few people over the years tell me I should write an autobiography. I'm not really ready to write the book, yet, but occasionally I work on short stories like this one. I was going to post it, but it turned out too long to post. Thanks again!
