Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reading Emily Dickinson

After reading many of Ashok's commentaries on Emily Dickinson's poetry, I've become very fond of her work.

I bought this book the other day, and it's been inspiring me to write. For example, I came across this poem, and something about it just sang to me.

Summer for thee, grant I may be
When Summer days are flown!
Thy music still, when Whipporwill
And Oriole—are done!

For thee to bloom, I'll skip the tomb
And row my blossoms o'er!
Pray gather me—
Thy flower—forevermore!

I'm sure when she wrote "anemone" she was refering to the woodland flower, but I thought of this:

Anemone, I long to be
Eternal summer by the sea
Tropical calm – Hibiscus aplomb
In the shadow of Mango Tree

Blossoms wilt when Delta silt
Crosses the Ocean’s current
May Bed’s frailty embolden me
Oh, Drifting garden deterrent!

Since I can't be
eternally by the sea
I bring it to me

Meet Boomhower the Beta. He isn't actually from the sea, but we like to pretend.


  1. Boomhower the Beta - interesting name - not good enough to be an alpha ? I like the pretend line

  2. Yeah, he's the second Betta that I've had. The first was just named Blue (not Alpha either, although it would be appropriate for a Betta). Both were given to me.

  3. Thank you so much for the mention! Put this on stumbleupon and will try to get it more attention.

    You might want to try reading Dickinson's letters. I'm not writing on them because time is short. But it's amazing to see her be more direct.

  4. I'm always appreciative of your hard work, Ashok!

    Thanks, I'll look into her letters. I wasn't aware that there was a book on them. I haven't finished this book yet. I've been moving at a slow pace and doing a lot of contemplating.

    Thanks for stopping by!
