Monday, December 24, 2007

Best Blogging Buddies Award

I have been honored by Mary over at No Polar Coordinates with this award! I'm supposed to award it to others now. If Mary hadn't been the one to award it to me, she'd be the first person I'd give it to for being such a good blogging friend and supporter of my blog, and such an inspiring artist. But, I don't think I'm supposed to do that, so I'll continue on with the others I'd like to give this to.

Carol Rose, whose blog is full of whimsical collages as well as anything you'd ever want to know about re-enacting. Be sure to check out her Stuffies while you're there.

Ashok, whose insights on philosophy, politics, and poetry will definitely make you think. Some of my favorite posts by him are his commentaries on poems by authors like Emily Dickenson and Yeats. Check out his forum Rethink
and leave your opinion.

Studio Lolo, whose art and writing inspire an awareness of the fragile balance of the life on this planet we call home, and who leaves a trail of encouraging comments everywhere she goes.

Lynda, who inspires my photography, and is my photo and beading buddy, although I'm still working on getting her to post now that she's moved away from me.

And last but not least, Karen, who is the best neighbor I've ever had, and writes beautifully encouraging poetry on her blog.


  1. Thank you so much for the kind words and pimpin! I will have to check out these other fine writers..

  2. That pic of the kitties is too cute. I'm blogging about this award and hopefully everyone will get to see that pic.

    Right now I'm dealing two kitties of a friend that are anything but friendly in that way. I'm showing them the pic so that they'll see appropriate role models.

  3. Hope all is well! Haven't heard from you in a bit.

  4. Wonderful--I need a little time so I can check them all out. I'm honored that you'd want to give it to me again. YAY!

    I know Studio Lolo and am interested to check out the others.

    YOU deserve it. :-D

  5. Thanks Ashok. It's been hard to keep up with blogging while traveling. You should hear more from me when I get home.

    Absolutely Mary! You're my most frequent and sometimes only commentor on my blog. Thanks!! Hope you enjoy the others.
