Sunday, December 23, 2007

Illustration Friday: Horizon

Today is the one year anniversary of my blog. It also happens to be the one year anniversary of my very first post with Illustration Friday.

This was my first post. The topic that week was "Peace". I thought it appropriate to use the doves again in commemorating the anniversary, only this time their eyes are open and on the horizon. The reason for this is in keeping with the theme of this blog, which is about changing and growing creatively. I didn't "metamorphose" as much as I was hoping to this past year, but I believe there are a lot of changes on the horizon for next year. Right now I'm undergoing a lot of changes in my personal life. I've left my job and will be starting a new career. I'm also in the process of moving out of my home and my comfort zones. It's all a bit scary for me, but necessary. Because I've been so preoccupied lately, I haven't spent much time on blogging or creative things [the fact that my camera broke again hasn't helped]. Unfortunately, it may not be until February before I find the time for it again, because I will be spending most of January up north with family taking care of a relative who is dying. I hope to be back soon, and participating regularly in IF again.


  1. Wow, lovely piece on peace. Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary and best wishes for the New Year!

  2. Congratulations on a year of blogging!\\

    So sorry to hear about your dying relative! WAHN!\\

    nice to see a post, and a lovely one it is.\\
    I was going to come stay with you--during the winter--and move home during the summer, but tyhat won't work if you're not there.

    HAPPPY NEW YEAR, happy holidays.

  3. What a stunning piece! I love the flying bird hovering on the horizon, and the doves are lovely and full of promise.
    I wish you all the best in your transitions. Looking forward to seeing many more posts from you whenever you find the time to come back :)

  4. NOOOOOOOOO!!! Don't go! What can I say or do to change your mind???

    You know I wish you well with whatever you choose to do, but I hope you don't leave!!!

  5. Oh, yeah... Congrats on a whole year of blogging!!
    ...and Merry Christmas too!
