Monday, February 18, 2008

Illustration Friday: Theory

The snow drifts of desire
are embellished with footsteps of fire.
Fire and ice provoked a placid sky to crumble,
and through shards of belief systems you stumble.

Theories of possibilities
make issues realities.

How do you put out the fires
without melting the desires?
Can the sky be made whole again?
Can a theory of abandonment help mend?


  1. what a stunning image!

    a : )

  2. WOW! Super art, I love this/ Cool words to go with it too. Great colors and thoughts! :-D

  3. Thanks ya'll! Your encouragement means a lot!

  4. i luv the first two lines! and your swan images are all beautiful.. esp that there are shades of blue.. (my fave color)

    btw i have a raffle on my blog.. maybe you'd like to join..

  5. Thanks! My favorite color is blue, too.
