Friday, February 22, 2008

The Madisons

The Madisons have a new album out called "Do You Love Me", and I'm honored to have my artwork featured on the cover. Check it out here, and download your favorite songs for free. If your a fan of the blues, you'll enjoy listening to the Madisons.

There's a little story behind the artwork that was chosen for the cover. I used to babysit the lead singer's daughter years ago, and the two of us would sit and draw for hours. Without realizing it, Miss Lizzie picked a drawing from my sketchbook that was inspired by her daughter's doodles. I never finished it until a prompt from Illustration Friday motivated me, and I posted it here.

Below are couple of videos of The Madisons performing their song "Sleepin".

Here's an older version:


  1. Congr4atulations! I can't listen now because people are sleeping so I'll have to come back tomorrow.

  2. We are getting such nice comments about your album cover art.

    That IS such a great story for this piece.

    Rock on girl.
