Friday, February 11, 2011


This week's weekword is brought to us by Junebug's Musings. She mentioned Valentine's Day in connection with the word 'cynosure', and it made me think of these beautifully brilliant orchids I have hanging over my monitor. My sweetie brought them home for me as a surprise last week, so I thought I'd take a picture of them and make a card for him. I searched on the web for the language of flowers, and learned that orchids mean 'refined beauty'. I thought of a mature beauty, like the love shared between two people who have out-lived their first spouses, and have been refined by life's experiences to share a different kind of love. Different from that naive exciting first love of youth, but still brilliant in it's own way.

The poem is an acrostic, which means the first letter of each line spells a word, in this case 'romance'. I'm stepping a little out of my comfort zone writing a love poem, but I guess that's therapeutic, too.


  1. Oh you talented person! What a great and thoughtful post, very CYNOSURE!

  2. Orchids are brilliant and I'm glad you left your comfort zone to write your acrostic. "adapting ardor..." just may have to borrow that.

  3. Every time I read a new write of yours - I say - wow -how does she take those words and string them along and emerge with such beauty ?

  4. Wow! How beautiful...the poem, your thoughts and of course the flowers. And love your artwork. Thank you for your comments to my post too by the way. I'm hosting weekword this week and hope you'll join along.

  5. I have to say that orchid grabbed my attention as soon as hopped on to your blog. Gorgeous!! I can see exactly how it serves as a cynosure.

  6. What a interpretation of the weekword! Lovely photo and lovely poem. Thanks for sharing this. You have a gift with words.

    I've killed every orchid I've ever had! :-) It's beautiful. B.

  7. I love acrostics!!! Cool poem, lovely picture, lovely orchids. I've been too busy to play along lately! WAHN! You have a new love? How'd I miss that?
