Thursday, February 17, 2011


Elena over at My Quest is hosting Weekword this week, and has chosen the very expressive little word "oh". I used that word quite a bit on my latest trip to Galveston.

"Oh, what a beautiful bird. Hope he stays still long enough for me to get a good shot."

"Oh yea! I got it."

"Oh how sad." We saw a lot of dead things on the beach that day.

"Oh weird. Look how big it's scales are. They look like sea shells."

"Oh cool..." Don't ask me why. My sweetie replied with, "Oh no, next you'll be writing poetry about dead fish, huh?" Hmm... maybe another time ;]

"Oh *shoot! My batteries are dying!" (*not the word I actually used)

No sunset pics this time, due to the dead batteries, but we stayed to watch it over a lovely seafood dinner and a glass of wine, and then headed home.


  1. Oh Lori - you take such splendid photos - you either have a much better camera than I do or you are just more adept at photograpy (that is it I think)
    I owe yu mail - bad me

  2. OH - what lovely photos! I especially love the moon through the wild grass...

  3. Oh cool! What a cool bird! Great shots and thanks for playing along with my little word.

  4. Oh, what great shots. I absolutely love the last one. Perfect shot! I love day-moons and you captured it so perfectly. Wow!

  5. Oh, some fabulous shots!

  6. What amazing photography! I'm such a fan of capturing the realities of my surroundings and there is a solitude and sighing "oh" that comes with the signs of death-I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes pictures of signs of decay :) Sounds like a wonderful time!

  7. Thank you so much everyone for the wonderful comments. I'm so sorry, my computer died right after posting this, and I haven't had a chance to visit everyone's posts this week. [I'm using a friends to type this] I hope to be back soon.

  8. WOW! These are great. Wonderful series! I love the fish scales and the birds! And all of them!

    I've lost the connection to weekword and don't know how to find it again.

  9. Roseate spoonbill! Such a beautiful bird and some great shots! The color of the grasses is stunning against the blue of the sky.

  10. and that second picture. And the carp scales. And the moon!
