Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yea Spring!

These pics were taken in my garden.

And, this is the reason why I've not been online much lately.

This garden is named Ilma's Garden, after the woman who originally started it.

I love scented geraniums, and...

have them all around my front porch.

There are more pics of my garden here on Silk Creek Portal.


  1. u have good reason to go where beauty leads you and clearly follows u as well. this is amazing what u have shown us. blessings.

  2. gee - my garden looks like this in July - your flowers must last a very long time if you have a full garden by April 1 - we don't even plant until end of May - is a holiday and tradition - and may still get a frost after that - I been meaning to take some pics now - it's mostly mud

    it's gorgous by the way

  3. Thanks Dr. Sana!

    And thanks Sue! A lot of these are spring flowers that won't make it through the heat. Pansies and allysum we buy in the fall, and grow all winter. I'm hoping the summer flowers, when they start to grow, will shade them enough to keep them alive until next fall. It's tradition here to start gardening on Valentines Day. That's when everyone prunes their roses. Looking forwar to your pics :D

  4. I especially like the orange thingy - I love orange and mix it with pinks in the garden - if get the right shades they go well together

  5. The orange thingy is one of my roses, which seems to bloom year around. In the summer it will be surrounded by purple cone flower and purple lantana, so it should really stand out in contrast. I like playing with the shades, too.

  6. Thanks so much VC, and thanks for stopping by!
