Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Relief from the Heat

Well, I guess it's officially fall in Houston, though we probably won't see any fall color until December. I'm still working on writing everyday this month for the October Wine and Write, but not getting much done on the weekends. The weather's been too nice to stay inside and write.


  1. it's wonderful to see your photos again. My camera doesn't even nag me

  2. Thanks Sue, it's been a while since mine has nagged me ;)

  3. Lovely photos. I've been missing them too! Very very pretty.

    I'm travleing and doing NaNoWriMo and working on a kids' book for my grandson Frankie and having toruble getting online. I will watch up with you as soon as I cna, but it may not be until I get home again --about a week and ahlf or so. XOXOX

  4. Sorry about all the typos, google chrome no longer helps with that and I forget, I'm so used to technical props.

  5. Wow, Mary, sorry, just now seeing these comments. Sounds like you've been very busy. Hope everything went well.

    Turns out I was wrong about the fall color. ha, ha. The cold weather hit early this year.

    I'm always fascinated by the knees, too :D
