Saturday, November 16, 2013

Whiny Drivel

This first poem was done for The Mag, but I didn't get it posted in time to link over there.
Danseuse ajustant sa bretelle by Edgar Degas

ethereal penumbra
aged gray
cast outside
curtain call

used merely
to incite jealousy

ephemeral ballet
lured backstage
dark maze of
theatrical vanity

he's embarrassed
to be seen with her

This next one was a picture prompt for the Creative Writers of North Houston group.


innocence fuels imagination
guilt draws a blank
one weekend we hold hands though we're “just friends”
the next, you find better things to do
one weekend we live in a fantasy world
the next, I'm pissed at you
forgiveness fuels imagination
anger draws a blank

sugary addiction feeds fantasy
roller coaster ribbons entangle strength
binding creativity in circus tents
round and round we go
as balloons float away
and rose petals drop to the ground

The last one was a picture prompt for the Word Crafters writing group. The picture was e-mailed to me, so I don't know who to credit or where to link to.
couch on road.jpg by ?


you'd like me to be adorned in gold
but you don't want to be the one to pay
what I've got will do for now, so...
you'd figure out the rest along the way

you found me thumbing a ride
and pretended to be going my way
hoping I'd save you from someone's crime
now I'm the one who gets to pay

watching life pass me by
living a lie
in the middle of BFE

were you aware
thatcha dropped me here
Mr. Generosity?

alone again, sitting in a ditch
smiling at asphalt to pass the time
I earned your trust, but lost your interest
still pay you honor, while I've lost mine

I call you friend, though clouds thunder
can't let go, though you were never mine
you're smile drives me with such skill and wonder
smoothly rolling through years of wasted time

watching life pass me by
living a lie
in the middle of BFE

did you realize
your lies would paralyze
Mr. Congeniality?


  1. Your incredible use of language always astounds me, then I look at my writing and want to rip it up the last two lines of Gray came as a surprise

    I’m glad I didn’t have to write for the second pic. But I’m glad you did –loved the rhythm

    What does BFE mean? Again the last bit came as a surprise. You’ve got a story in this poem

  2. I love the raw honesty in this piece Lori....very powerful writing! I also love the questions presented in it. I love your blogs!!!

  3. Thanks y'all!

    bfe- bum f#*^ egypt

    not one of my better poems, ha, ha

  4. I love these combinations of images and words!!!!


    A lot of powerful emotions here!

  5. Thanks Mary! the pics were prompts from different writing groups that I've been participating in lately. I wasn't in the mood for writing, and had to really force myself to think about them. I was in an angry mood and feeling sorry for myself. I think it shows, lol.
